Monday, August 21, 2006

What do you think?

Should I switch my blog to Beta? I'm planning a revamp, as soon as I figure out how to make a header, so if all my template went away, it would be fine. Also, does anyone think I should set a website? I'm thinking about getting a Geocity, what do you guys think? Has anyone switched to Beta? Is it better/worse? Help! So, the questions are:
  1. Is Beta better?
  2. How do you make your own template?
  3. Would you visit a Money Miss website? oh, and...
  4. Does anyone want me to put up a email?

Your thoughts would be much appreciated!

PS: What do you think of my chat feature?! I found out about it from


BLEU 12 said...

The chat is pimp. I am going to put it on my site. Just not right now. I think the beta is crap and nothing has changed. If you are going to setup a website, why not right on blogger, its free and if you would put some adds up like me you would get paid be people just visiting the page. google adsense is king. You have it on your blogger dashboard, just set it up. Check out my site sometime and email me if you have any questions

Thomas said...

This is all Greek to me. LOL.

Kine said...

I have no idea if Beta is better, I was going to change, but something went wrong.
Do you need a website, I think the blog works as a website...

Frapp said...

What chat feature!? Where!?

FashionWhore said...

Whoops, I took it off for a few minutes..but it's back up, OK?

RTFM said...

Give Beta a couple more weeks to iron things out. Yes, get an email account. Can help you keep it secure, as can advice from Amit.