Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I went to Paris, where a stranger came up to me and gave me a Visa. When I brought it into Marc Jacobs, they said there was E10,000 on it. I then went on a shopping spree. Jonny Depp asked me to lunch, but I had to refuse because I was going to Disneyland. Jonny Depp came with me and we had a great time on Pirates of the Carribean ride. I then said farewell to Jonny, and went another shopping spree. As I was having a smoothie and a crossiant, a film producer asked me to be in his film, which concidentally enough, featured Jonny Depp. (My, my, my day sure is full of surprises.) By this time there was only E1,000 left on that visa, so I paid a visit to Chanel and bought some cute (leather free) shoes. Then, I discovered miracilously that I had a lovely tan from all that shopping. Without getting sunburnt. Then a famous clothing designer (can't give out his name) asked me to design some jewellery. Then I went to the Four Seasons and that ended my day.

Sorry, just having a little fantasy there. :)

1 comment:

FashionWhore said...

Thank you, thank you! Funny how these things happen, isn't it? Who would have thought I'd meet Jonny?!