Friday, August 04, 2006

Gold Envelope

Crazee people update: I can't wait! I'm closing it a day early, no one else is going to enter, anyway. So, now get your imagination to work. We are in {insert cool city} in {insert building}, and I am about to make the speech!
So, it was hard to choose, especially with the great mass of entries (HA!), but I did choose. Now, I would like you to know that you are both crazy. Now, remember the prize:
1. One nice shiny link. (Though, you are both up there already.)
2. You get to host & judge the CRAZEE PEOPLE contest on your blog. You will choose a new crazy topic. Make sure you mention that *I* invented it, OK?(Preferably something to do with insane things and the like.)
So, the winner is....

Because your crazy moment was so...crazy. It also sounded like something I would do. So, congratulations! Or should that be book yourself into a mental ward? Anna, not that your moment wasn't crazy---I mean, what I uh, was that Erik---oh, sorry, I didn't mean---

Someone haul me out of the hole I just dug myself into.


Anonymous said...

hey u left some comments on my blog so i thought i'd pay a visit! it's really good when u realise someone actually reads your blog!!! ;)
i loooooove your blog but am i too late to ask what this crazeee people thing is?????
And just scrolling down the page I can see that i have an Asos loving buddy! :D
Keep on doing 'bloggerings'that's a cool word you invented!

FashionWhore said...

Kiki, the CRAZEE PEOPLE contest is a contest I invented. If you scroll down for a while, you'll find it. Thanks for the compliments!