Monday, July 31, 2006

What the horoscope said

Not to run around to much, it can make me cranky. Um, in case you hadn't noticed, it's summer. And I am the girl who infuriated her ballet teacher by saying "I live life in the slow lane". Running around is not going to happen until school when I join the basketball team. Hey, if you're tall, make the most of it. Even if you hate running and frequently trip over your own feet.
If I have a party this weekend, to plan an outfit, but not to spend too much money. Part? Ha! Yeah, right. The last party I went too, I was eight. I don't like parties now that we're all grown up. I mean, it's just too awkward with boys. Except if you're me. Whatever. And spend too much on a outfit? Moi? Please. I am the girl who thinks H&M is too pricey.

Crazy people

To see how crazy we all are, I have decided to start a CRAZEE PEOPLE contest. Simply submit a crazy moment and the winner gets a prize.*

*OK, not really. The winner gets a link <---. A nice, shiny, link! If you're not up there already. Which you probably are. OK, I know! The winner gets a link on my blog, and then they get to start (and judge) the CRAZEE PEOPLE contest on their blog. As well as a link. OK?
Closing date: 5th August

Back to School

Ha! Fooled you! I'm not doing any school shopping posts because:
a) I can't really find clothes that fit me, so why would you want my advice? and
b) I have a uniform, so I have no idea what clothes you need and
c) It's the 31st of July. School is a month away. It's bad enough seeing the ads, but blogging about it? No way. I'm just going to pretend it's June. The worst thing about back to school? I'm not a morning person. This is me in the morning: "No WHY would I want TOAST for breakfast?! Grr!!! Where's my jumper?! Why is it so hot/cold?!" Accompany with mean looks. So, I'd rather not think about it.

PS: If you REALLY want to read about back to school, these are some excellent blogs:


Blogger, why do you continue to torment me? Now my curlygirl thing doesn't work. Password incorrect (how??!!) and no email with nice new password. Grr. Must set up new blog.

Beware Cheap Websites

Know why? Well, first of all, the products will probably be cheap (say, 3 for a book) but then the shipping rate will be ridiclous. (10. So your cheap book becomes 13.) So, before you buy anything, look at the shipping rates. Second, if you're buying clothing, make sure the website has a return policy. Otherwise you could end up with something you can't wear. Not good. If you're buying something like unused clothing on eBay, only buy it from a eBay shop, because the seller may not be reputable otherwise. (Has anyone seen the underwear on eBay? Who buys underwear from eBay? WHO?!) Another reason you might want to return it might be that it looks different from the picture. Look at who is shipping it. My mum bought a book on the net, and the shop that sold it to her were fine, but the shipping company weren't. As in, they didn't ring it when it came in, they told her they couldn't see, they didn't know, and she didn't get the book for months. So, um, the moral is: only ship from guys who you know. Or something.

Prolific, indeed

With my NEW blog The Curly Side of Life.


Fireworks display, please.

Keep me away from ovens and sharp objects.

It is the general opinion of many people that I am crazy. I don't know WHERE they got that idea. MWHAHAHAHA---ahem. But anyway. I could start up a whole blog about the crazy things I do, but instead I will list the main reasons:
A) My clothes. I say: cool. They say: weird. Hey, Minnie Mouse is my style icon.
B) My voice. CLassic crazy voice. It's high-pitched, and I talk loud (result of drama class. PROJECT.), and my voice can go from not so high-pitched to very sounding like a E note on the cello. (For those of you don't play cello like I do, that means HIGH-PITCHED EXTREME STYLE.)
C) The things I say. I have a tendancy to say whatever pops into my head. This is usually followed by uncontrollable giggling.
There are many more, but those are the main things. Now vote in the poll:

Do you think I'm crazy?
Well, duh.
Yes, but that's why you're so cool!
You're so crazy I don't want to say it.
No. I am. Mwhahahahaha.
You aren't, I'm not.
Free polls from

Prolific Blogger, That's Me

Hey do you spell prolific? According to my mum, I'm a "prolific blogger" Agatha Christie was apparently a "prolific writer" prolific apparently means a lot of something. This is because my NEW blog has just been unveiled.
I am totally and utterly addicted to blogging. I know this because I'm on the last three pages of that Agatha Christie book and I PUT IT DOWN so I could blog. I missed the Simpsons so I could blog. Right now the only TV I'm missing is reality TV, so I can't say anything for right now. The time I used to spend doing personality quizzes is now spent on blogging. Well, almost. So, I would like to suggest that they put WARNING: ADDICTIVE on the page where you sign up for a blog.
Or maybe that's just me.

THAT's what messes up my sidebar...

Blogthings! I deleted them and NOW MY SIDE BAR IS NORMAL.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


35 visitors! That's 33! You do realise I'm going to be like this forever, don't you?

20 Visitors!

20 visitors!! *does cartwheel* *falls over because she can't do a carthwheel* Admittdly, 5 of those visitors have been me to see if anyone has commented, but still!!!!


Please. I'm begging you. Ye who make those programmes. I don't want to see any stupid people in houses. I don't want to see any stupid so-called celebs doing things like ice-skate. I do not want to see ANY MORE. I've pretty much spending all my time blogging, surfing the net, singing to myself and reading. No TV. As I type I can hear the horror of reality TV coming from the lving room. SAVE ME!!!!


Please. I'm begging you. Ye who make those programmes. I don't want to see any stupid people in houses. I don't want to see any stupid so-called celebs doing things like ice-skate. I do not want to see ANY MORE. I've pretty much spending all my time blogging, surfing the net, singing to myself and reading. No TV. As I type I can hear the horror of reality TV coming from the lving room. SAVE ME!!!!

Blog quiz

You know those blog quizs? I love 'em. So I've decided to make my own. If you want to do it, paste it onto your blog or my comments section, and be sure to include a link to moi! ;)
1. Friends is: still classic or so passe
Still classic
2. Comics are: juevenile or funky
3. Blogs are for: geeks with no life or totally cool.
Totally cool.
4.Shopping is: hard work or so fun.
Hard work.
5. This quiz is: so cool or boring.
SO cool.
6. Blockbuster or low-budget?
7. Music: mainstream or unsual.

What I'm Reading

Agatha Christie: Collected Short Stories. Rating: pure genius.
I've been reading it for two days, and I still haven't finished because I've been blogging all the time!

People read my blog!!!

I'm amazed. Back at the Money Guru, I had no readers. Now I have, um, about three. But you guys rock! And just remember: if you link me, I'll link you.

I'm Finally Blogging on Money

So, I finally tore myself away from BlogThings. I don't know how, but I did it. So, I'm actually going to blog on money. (You're all gasping and fainting now, right?) SO:
(Notice the large letters?)
We've all been there. You really need that book/watch/video game/dress, but they think it's too much. They are quite obviously crazy. I am a total expert on winding people around my little finger, so here's how to get them to get it for you:
  1. START OFF BIG. For my birthday I wanted 100, so I figured I'd start off at 150. Guess what? My mum said yes. I was in complete shock. And even if they don't agree to your ridiclous sum, if you pretend to give in, they'll feel like they've won. Which they haven't. Here's how you do it:

You: Mum, Dad, I need three pairs of jeans/two video games/a ridiclously expensive watch.

Them: Darling, that's too expensive. I'm afraid we can't buy all that.

You: *look miserable* Well, how about two pairs/one video game/less expensive watch.

They: (thinks) Phew, that was easy! (says) Well...all right.

You: (thinks) Suckers!

Do you get it now?

2. Be nice. Be nice to them for 3 days. Do your homework, clean up, make them a cup of coffee. Then spring your strategy on them.

3. If they say no, be miserable for a few days. If you are a drama queen like me, squeeze out a few tears. Otherwise just say in a really sad (not whiny) voice: "It's such a pity. *sigh* I really wanted A few days of this and they'll crack.

4. If you had to settle for less then you wanted, after they buy you what they said they would, start in on major whining. "It's not fair, I might as well have nothing."

All of the above have been tried and tested by me.

Woohoo! Hilarious sarcastic! I'm sooo thrilled!

You Have Your Sarcastic Moments
While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge.In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead!And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in.Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.

I can't think of a title, deal with it.

You Have Your Sarcastic Moments
While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge.In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead!And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in.Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.

Are you suprised?

Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 68%
You have a good chance of being a multimillionaire. Better than most people.You simply have a natural knack for money and the personality for success.
Will You Be a Multimillionaire?

You muppet!!!

You Are Gonzo the Great
"Is something burning in here? Oh, it's just me."You're a total nutball who will do anything for attention.The first to take a dare, you'll pull almost any stunt.You're one weird looking creature, but your chickens don't mind!

I'm Obcessed with personality tests

Your Blogging Type is Confident and Insightful
You've got a ton of brain power, and you leverage it into brilliant blog.Both creative and logical, you come up with amazing ideas and insights.A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time.You blog for yourself - and you don't care how popular (or unpopular) your blog is!

How Evil Am I?

You Are 8% Evil" height="100" width="100">

You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!

BORING. I think this quiz is wrong. I've been told by quite a few people that I'm evil.

I just realised

I don't blog about money a lot. This is because I can't think of anything. So, if you want me to blog about anything money related, tell me in the comments, and I will decide if I want to. Otherwise I will just go on and on and on and on and on about stuff like Lost. (Is anyone else freaked out/confused/annoyed at the season finale?)
Actually, I probably WILL blog about money stuff when I feel like it, it's just that *yawn* Sunday papers make me feel lazy. Anyone else get that?

You Will Hate Me After I Post This, Right?

You know those reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly annoying people who are good at most things?
I'm one of them. OK, you can stop throwing the tomatoes now. Anyway, it's very annoying, because whenever those annoying people (you know who I mean. The ones who pat you on the head.) ask me what I want to do when I grow up I generally go: "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I dunno."
Anyway, here is a list of stuff I'm not good at:
Ballet (does anyone want to hear the story of why my ballet teacher hated me?)
Running (it's very annoying, people are always like "You should run fast, because you're tall." Um, whatever. Anyway, people who don't know me always pick me for teams in sports, and then hate me because I lost. Where was I?)
Tennis (and, oh joy, it's compolsorary at school. How do you spell that, anyway? I actually like tennis. It's just that I hit the balls all over the place, because I'm left-handed, I can't do a decent backhand, and no one told me I had to RUN.)
I also have a talant for blabbering. I have a motor mouth. If you ask me a question, I will talk to you for HOURS. That's why I LOVE my blog. No one can tell me to shut up!!!!!! (If anyone tells me to shut up in the comments, I will spam you for EVER. Well, not really because I can never be bothered to follow up on a lot of things.)

OK, it's official

I'm a bit of a computer geek. Hmm, it'll be hard fitting that into my schedule along with being a drama queen/writer girl/book worm/movie lover/clotheshorse/crafty girl/blogger/put in something else I do. Add in school, and I'll have a problem. Help!!!!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Keeping Track

So, even though I'm tired, and just want to curl up with my Agatha Christie novel, I've bravely decided to blog. Aren't I wonderful?!
Have you ever walked up to the till with a magazine/book/handbag/computer game, only to look and find you don't have enough money? Believe it or not, that's never happened to me. That's because, every time I go out, I look and see how much money I have. That way, I always know if I have enough money. But I realise that many of you haven't been money-wise for all of their spending lifetime, so I've put together a few tips:
*Always look to see how much money you have before you go out.
*Having a spending bank account is so much easier, and you can get statements to see how much you have.
*Never borrow, because then your friend will suddenly say: "Hey, you owe me a fiver. Give!", and then it will mess everything up.
Ta ta,

2 Tired 2 Blog

Ugh. I might blog l8r. So tired can't remember grammer + correct spelling. Also using txt talk.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Movie Madness

Does anyone else love movies? Being a drama freak, it's not just enjoyment, but furthering my non-existent acting career. (Yeah. It's an excuse. What gave it away?) BUT, being Money Miss, I HAVE to do it on a budget! (Plus, my pocket money? Not a lot.) So, through careful consideration, here are some tips:
*If you're a girl, we have the advantage of cajoling our mums into girly days out. Which include a film. Which she usually pays for. (Smile. Puppy eyes.)
*Matinees are cheaper. But, um, for a first date, go to the more expensive evening show. The amount of little kids shouting at matinees...Real romantic. If romance isn't your top priority (Um. Me.), then matinees are the way to go.
*Have you SEEN the price of popcorn? Small bag of popcorn + M&Ms = more then my ticket. If you are a girl, smuggle snacks to the cinema, in your bag. If you're a boy, get a girl to smuggle them in for you. (But only if you know her.)
*And lastly, just rent it. Split the cost between you and some mates. Or look online. I rent my DVDs online for 1.25, and no late fees!!!
Now, to ogle at Jonny Depp...

AARRGGHH!!! isn't the only one having blogger problems. BLOGGER, IF YOU ARE READING, FIX BLOGGER!!! I have to do everything about 3 times before it works...anyone else having problems????

You Know What I Don't Get?

Why everyone hates themselves. People I know spend hours blowdrying and straightening their hair. Guess what? They still hate it. They spend tons of money of designer clothes, but they're still not happy. I'm trying not to be like that. Yes, my hair is thick, frizzy, curly and the consistency of copper wire. But guess what? I DON'T CARE. My wardrobe (in my opinion) doesn't have enough clothes, but I don't really let it get me down.
Not only will having great self-esteem be better for your wallet (If you're not constantly trying to make yourself something you're not, you won't spend so much money, will you?), it's also good for YOU.
And isn't that all that matters at the end of the day? So next time you say: "I hate my hair" try thinking: "I love my eyes." Or something like that. Guess what? It worked for me. I'm sure it'll work for you.
So long,
Money Miss


Put on the music! Have a 7-Up! Have fun! (And don't forget to comment...)


OK, I used to be, but I discovered that:
a) there was already a money guru site---didn't want to be sued! and
b) that the money guru wasw BORING.
So, now I'm Money Miss!
Money Miss