Thursday, August 03, 2006

To budget or not to budget, that is the question.

Now, if you are anything like me, your income will be quite small. If you're not like me, you will have a decent/large income. Now, personally, I don't have a fixed budget, because of my small allowance. I mean, if I did have a budget, I wouldn't buy ANYTHING, because the amounts allocated would be so small. This way, I can actually buy things. One months I might spend it on clothes, the next books, the next, um, clothes, and the next, um, books. Oh, not forgetting manga! Where was I? BUT, if I did have a larger income, I might have a budget. So, if you do have a decent/large allowance, make up a budget. Here's how:
  1. First, for one week, track everything you spend. And I mean EVERYTHING. Those cute shoes, that comic book, those packets of gum, the bus fare.
  2. So, now you have a basic idea of how much money you need.
  3. This is the hard bit. Divide what you spent into categories (clothes, books, magazines, jumbo jets...just kidding!), and allocate the amount of money to them that is necessary.
  4. Be sure to include saving is an expense! (In case you didn't know, you should save at least 10% of your income. I save 20%.)
  5. Have a bit for anything. There'll always be something you didn't expect.
  6. There. You have your budget. Now just stick to it...
  7. So, now you have you budget. Now all you have to do is stick to it. Easier said then done.

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