Saturday, August 12, 2006

I'm feeling MUCH better today. People telling me they love my blogs does that to me. (Yes, thank you i'llnevertell) Plus, I'm having fun with my new blog. God, I have four blogs. And apparently an xanga. I don't even know what xanga is. But apparently people go to it. Whatever it is. And thanks, Anna. Though it kind of made me confused why you'd buy hangers. Anyway, I'll just probably use this blog for ranting about school, but I'll try and blog about money.

You know, as soon as I figure what to blog about. Anyway, ta ta, if it's hot where you live, eat an ice-cream.
You know, even though it's rainy, I think I'll still have an ice-cream. Though I'll probably get pneumonia and hypothermia. But anyway.

1 comment:

RTFM said...

Your blogs get better as you keep expanding. Just visited the new one at and I thinks it great, a step up to a new level.

BTW, thanks for the comment on the baby bottles, as some folks are still not aware of what can be allowed on flights, not matter how much it's in the news over the last few days.