Friday, August 18, 2006

Alternative Uses for Lipgloss

  1. It is an excellent way to see if anyone is following you. Simply use your compact to look over your shoulder. Simple!
  2. It makes an excellent glue, if the way it makes my hair stick to my lips is any indication.
  3. If you're in a fight to the death, simply shove some lipgloss in their mouth to distract them. Trust me, it's icky.
  4. If you need to escape from a psychopath you've met, simply say "Sorry, got to go and apply more lipgloss" and escape out the window. (So much more modern then powder puffs.)
  5. If you want to make yourself worry, apply lipgloss. After you apply it, you will worry if it's staying on/your colour/really glue if the hair thing is any indication, etc.
  6. It's a much more effective antidepressant then Prozac. Lipgloss cheers!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

haha, this post really made me laugh.