Monday, August 21, 2006

Picture posting, websites, chats, and whatever else pops into my head

OK, please do the chat thang.
I was thinking of setting up a Money Miss website as well as the blog. Don't worry, the blog is here to stay!
And, BEFORE I PUT UP MY EMAIL ADDRESS I NEED TO GET AN EMAIL ACCOUNT. Something which may or may not happen in the future. I'm trying to decide between Gmail and Yahoo. Gmail reads your emails, but seems cool...Thoughts?
PS: The photo is for my header.
PPS: If I set up a website, I'd put up features such as...
So...would ya visit it?!
PS: SOMEONE HELP ME FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE A HEADER!!!! I looked on Blogger Help but there was NOTHING useful...please help poor Money Miss.
PPS: And don't forget to chat.
PPPS: And tell me your opinions on a Money Miss website.
PPPPS: And your opinions on Beta.


Frapp said...

I would! And you may want to re-consider Gmail unless you have a friend who already has Gmail. To get Gmail you have to be INVITED by someone who already has Gmail to get a Gmail account. Which sucks. But still...I reccommend Hotmail! Much cooler.

FashionWhore said...

Aw, nuts...

Frapp said...

Hehe, by the way how do you see how many hits you've had on your website?

RTFM said...

I have Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail, and would be very happy to give you an honest opinion of each. I need them all for professional (geek) reasons. You know where to find me, and my email address is there, just under my profile. Drop me a note, and if you want a Gmail invite, you've got it!

FashionWhore said...

You're forgetting something important: to email you I have to have an email!

RTFM said...

OK. Simply put, do this:

1. Go to in whichever country you reside.
2. Sign up for a free email account. You are 15 or 16, aren't you? Check the age restrictions.
3. Once you have a Yahoo email account, send me a message. Again it's right near my profile, and not in my comments.
4. Once I get the message from you, I'll send you the invite from Gmail, as I offered before. Then you'll have the best security, and you can give the email address out to only those you want.
5. Keep the Yahoo email for "public" messages... and don't reply to spam or pervs!

Hope this helps!