Saturday, August 05, 2006

PPL who know about blogger only!

How do you do that cool thing where you cross out bits? Like a line through it?


molly said...

Hey, when you find out, let me know.

Sigh. I wish I was as cool as Julien, too.

molly said...

And yeah, he's real. I've never met him though. Haha

molly said...

And when it comes to Kid's Menus, have you considered the power of the grilled cheese? Sure, the cheese is processed and...okay, nevermind, the grilled cheese is gross. I'm glad I'm not a vegetarian.

FashionWhore said...

I happen to like grilled cheese...

RTFM said...

Hi Money Miss,

The HTML term is not cross out bits, it's strikethrough. It won't work in comments like this, but it should in the body of your pages. One would add it like this: "<"strike">"word"<"/strike">", which would result in... well, it won't work in comments like this, but try it out in your blog at some point.

It's kind of like using "<"b">" for bold and such, if you get what I mean.

BTW, added you as a link on my site, because your comments are always enjoyable.

Visit Lexidiem and you'll see that you're listed.

And grilled cheese is good at any age... you're making me hungry.


molly said...

yeahh, me too. though the processed-cheese-ness can sometimes be taken too far.