Monday, July 31, 2006

What the horoscope said

Not to run around to much, it can make me cranky. Um, in case you hadn't noticed, it's summer. And I am the girl who infuriated her ballet teacher by saying "I live life in the slow lane". Running around is not going to happen until school when I join the basketball team. Hey, if you're tall, make the most of it. Even if you hate running and frequently trip over your own feet.
If I have a party this weekend, to plan an outfit, but not to spend too much money. Part? Ha! Yeah, right. The last party I went too, I was eight. I don't like parties now that we're all grown up. I mean, it's just too awkward with boys. Except if you're me. Whatever. And spend too much on a outfit? Moi? Please. I am the girl who thinks H&M is too pricey.

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